Cord Prolapse During Pregnancy
The baby's umbilical cord occasionally forgets its place and makes an unexpected appearance.
What it is: A cord prolapse occurs when the umbilical cord (the baby's lifeline) slips through the cervix and into the birth canal before the baby does during labor.
How common is it? Fortunately, cord prolapse is not that common, occurring in one out of every 300 births.
Who is most at risk? Certain pregnancy complications increase the risk of prolapse; these include hydramnios, a breech delivery, delivery of a premature baby, and delivery of the second of twins. Prolapse is also a risk if your water breaks before your baby's head has begun to "engage," or settle into the birth canal.
What are the symptoms? If the cord slips down into the vagina, you may actually be able to feel it or even see it. If the cord is compressed by the baby's head, the baby will show signs of fetal distress on a fetal monitor.
Should you be concerned? Throughout your baby's stay in the womb and until his or her entire body is delivered at birth, the umbilical cord is what delivers nourishment and oxygen to the baby. If the cord becomes compressed during delivery (such as when your baby's head is pushing against a prolapsed cord), the baby's oxygen supply is compromised. Unless prompt treatment is received, the consequences could be serious.
What you can do: There's really no way to know in advance if your baby's cord is going to prolapse. In fact, without fetal monitoring, you may not know until after the fact. If it becomes apparent that your baby's umbilical cord has indeed prolapsed and you are not in the hospital yet, get on your hands and knees to take pressure off the cord. If you notice the cord protruding from your vagina, gently support it with a clean towel. Call 911 or have someone rush you to the hospital. If you are already in the hospital when the cord prolapses, your practitioner may ask you to move quickly into a different position, one in which it will be easier to disengage the baby's head and take pressure off the umbilical cord. Delivery of your baby will need to be very quick, which may generally require the use of either forceps or a vacuum extractor (if the baby is low enough in the birth canal to be delivered), or an immediate C-section.
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